Bicycle Kick in 4 Easy Steps

Bicycle kick also called scissor kick is one of the popular soccer moves. It’s difficult to execute. Pele described it as “not easy to do”. Terrific soccer goals have been scored from this soccer trick.

How professional players can pull off such a difficult move with easy during a soccer game? It requires guts, audacity, spontaneity, and talent from the player.

You can perform this skill while facing your own goal or turning your back to the opponent’s goal.

he bicycle kick is not easy to perform. The only way to enjoy it during a soccer game is to spend time practicing. Let me show you four easy steps how to perform this high level soccer move.

Scissor Kick

4 Easy Steps

1. You have both feet on the ground. The ball is at the level of your chest or head. Jump up from the ground with your left foot high than the right foot.

2. On the air, lay down progressively on your back while the right foot is moving up to receive the ball coming down. The left foot is going down at the same time.

3. Your body should be parallel to the ground in the air. Hit the ball with your right foot and flip it over your head towards your opponent’s goal.

4. Land safely on the ground with your hands first. Both feet should follow to protect your head from crashing.

Follow these steps and you will experience the joy of scoring a mythical goal from the tricky move.


The best way to execute the bicycle is to jump high to the air to kick the ball. The timing of kicking the ball is crucial. You can kick it on your back or on your side.

The landing is the risky part of the move. Both your hands should touch to the ground first. Then your feet should follow. This will protect your head.

Make sure you read the positioning of your opponents first. This will avoid kicking their heads rather than the ball.

My own experience

I did not start with the bicycle kick when I was young player. I will also recommend you not to start with this move. Play safe for yourself and your opponents.

I got hurt really bad several times while trying the scissor kick. It’s better to start with other easy moves. Do not be scared, I'm just being honest.

The secret to master it is practice. Find a soft area. It may be full of sand, sheet, or other material. Make sure when you practice, you avoid hurting yourself.

Do not try this trick during a soccer game if you did not master it. When you do and pull it through, you will experience the joy of great soccer player.

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